The main sources of CO2 emissions worldwide

With over 36 billion tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere every year, human activities are the main cause of global warming. Behind this staggering figure lie multiple sources of emissions, linked to our modes of production, consumption and travel.

To reverse the trend and limit climate change, it is essential to identify and reduce these main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. An overview of the world’s most polluting sectors.

Transportation, the main CO2 emitter

It’s an established fact: the transport sector is the biggest contributor to global CO2 emissions, with almost 8 billion tonnes released into the atmosphere every year, i.e. around 24% of the total.

Road transport, whether for goods or passengers, accounts for the lion’s share, with 72% of the sector’s emissions. This situation can be explained by the preponderance of private cars and heavy goods vehicles in our societies, which are heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

Next come air transport (12% of the sector’s emissions), sea transport (10%) and finally rail transport, whose share remains marginal at 1%. These figures illustrate the urgent need to rethink our mobility systems to make them more carbon-efficient.

“To significantly reduce transport emissions, we’ll need to combine several complementary levers,” says Valérie Masson-Delmotte, co-president of the IPCC. “This involves the development of soft modes and public transport in cities, but also the growth of electric engines and alternative fuels for long distances.”