Welcome to WeAreCircular! This podcast is designed to give a voice to those involved in the transition of the economy, to those who are promoting the circular economy.

In the meantime, we invite you to(re)listen to our first episodes on a wide range of themes, with some of our most interesting guests sharing their experience and vision of the circular economy and ecological transition.

Episode 1: Consume Vrac, Consume Sustainably, with Célia Rennesson

Today, when we talk about the circular economy, we don’t always think about the practice of “Bulk”. So, in this episode we talk about entrepreneurship in the Bulk sector, a sector that was devoid of regulation, training or even suppliers.

We welcomed our very first guest: Célia Rennesson, who co-founded the association Réseau Vrac. An inter-professional association that structures and accelerates the development of this new market to provide access to sustainable and responsible consumption.

Réseau Vrac is also committed to reducing packaging waste and food waste. It also seeks to create social links while combating economic inequalities, developing employment and a local economy.

Célia launched Réseau Vrac in 2016.

Spotify : Consommez Vrac, consommez durable!

Apple Podcast : Célia Rennesson

Episode 2: Design and ecology: furniture reinvents itself! with Florian Clavel

The circular economy is often associated with second-hand goods. Well, in this episode, we talk to you about fast furniture and how to combat the overproduction of furniture: every year in France, 250,000 tonnes of furniture are thrown away.

While consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of second-hand goods, businesses are not yet.

Our second guest, Florian Clavel, who with Marion Désert created their company Fairspace. He introduces us to their solution, which places re-use, upcycling and eco-design at the heart of their furnishing projects.

Spotify : Design and ecology: furniture reinvents itself

Apple Podcast: Florian Clavel