The Circular Economy: The Future of Sustainability

The linear economic model of take, make and throw is no longer viable… The circular economy and its promise of a future that is more respectful of resources have arrived on the scene.

The importance of the circular economy

The circular economy does more than just reduce waste; it completely overhauls the way in which resources are used and recovered. The central idea is that each product, once it has reached the end of its life, can become a resource for another product, thus avoiding waste and maximising the value of each element used.

Europe as a pioneer

Europe is at the forefront of this movement, with the European Union putting in place bold initiatives such as the European Green Pact . As well as combating climate change, these measures aim to create a greener, more sustainable economy.

The EU Circular Economy Action Plan, , launched in March 2020, is a prime example of this ambition. By focusing on the entire life cycle of products – from design to production, from use to end of life – this plan hopes to make European competitiveness more sustainable and environmentally friendly.