France Verte: Ecological Transition and Circular Economy

The transition to a circular economy is amajor challenge for France, and the government has taken major steps to achieve it. This transition to a circular economy is part of the country’s ecological planning and will play a crucial role in thefuture national low-carbon strategy (SNBC) for the period 2025-2030.

Where does France stand in terms of the circular economy?

To understand the current state of the circular economy in France, it is essential to draw up an objective assessment. Unfortunately, it is clear that France is not on track when it comes to waste prevention. Too few resources have been allocated to this transition, whether by the State, local authorities or businesses.

An emblematic example of this situation is the law which aims to put an end to the marketing of single-use plastic packaging by 2040. To achieve this objective, the law sets an intermediate milestone of reducing the amount of single-use plastic packaging by 20% by 2025.