SSE Week: a committed annual event

France’s Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Week is an annual showcase for alternative economic practices, highlighting companies and initiatives committed to promoting social, environmental and solidarity-based values. The week, which runs from March 25 to 30, 2024, is an opportunity to raise public awareness of responsible economic alternatives that incorporate ethical considerations into their operations.

The Foundations of the SSE: Solidarity and economic ethics

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) represents an ethical way of running businesses, based on solidarity and social benefit. In practice, this refers to companies that operate democratically, using their profits to support their structure. Legally, the SSE is “ a mode of enterprise and economic development adapted to all areas of human activity”, which companies can choose to adopt under certain conditions.

An economic pillar: The impact of the SSE in France

It embodies a different economic approach, emphasizing values such as solidarity, equity and sustainability. It brings together a wide range of players, from cooperatives to associations, mutuals to social enterprises, all sharing the objective of reconciling economic performance with positive social impact.