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How to travel while respecting our planet

Every year, holiday travel generates a lot of greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 in the air. By adopting a green travel attitude, you are helping to create a more sustainable world and protect the environment.

What is a green traveller?

A green traveler is someone who is committed to traveling in a way that minimizes their environmental impact.

How to become a green traveller?

Here are a few tips to drastically reduce the environmental impact of your holidays:
Choosing the right means of transport: it’s no secret that air travel is the most polluting form of transport in the world. According to the European Environment Agency (EEA), a passenger on a plane emits 285 grams of CO2 per kilometre, 158 grams by car and 14 grams by train. As you will have realised, we avoid flying as much as possible and favour means of transport that have the least ecological impact, such as trains, car-sharing, coaches, etc.
Respect the local environment: every action you take has an impact on the local flora and fauna. Beware of tourist traps that can be very attractive, but a disaster for the local environment. Yes, elephant rides, from the experience, are very nice, but are not that nice for the animal. Find out about the various local activities and take the time to look at their environmental impact, without forgetting the simple things to do: sort your rubbish and don’t throw anything on the ground!
Opting for eco-responsible housing: eco-responsible housing has recently become very popular. But what is it? Eco-responsible accommodation is accommodation that is committed to respecting the environment by minimising its carbon footprint. For smaller budgets, think of simple actions: turn off the lights, limit the heating and air conditioning, choose showers over baths…
Buy local: buying local means supporting local producers and small businesses. By paying attention to how you consume, you are contributing to respecting our planet and reducing your environmental impact. Consuming locally involves both food and non-food items. For your souvenirs, find out about traditions and small businesses to give a helping hand to the local people.
Now you know everything you need to know about how to become a seasoned green traveller! Every effort you make, however small, contributes to the development of a sustainable world.

With this in mind, CircularPlace has developed a marketplace for the resale of your unsold non-food products between professionals, and puts you in touch with non-profit organizations to recover your products.

You can also opt for a white label solution that will allow your company to circularize your equipment internally and to engage your employees around ecological themes.

Don’t throw away any more, opt for the second hand!

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