Analysis of CSR practices in the CAC 40

The Observatoire de la RSE (Orse), PwC France and Maghreb, in collaboration with theUN Global Compact – France Network, have jointly unveiled the results of their 3rd study on the integration of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) criteria into the remuneration policies of CAC 40 companies. This analysis, based on Universal Registration Documents (UDRs) as at June 30, 2023, provides an in-depth view of how practices are evolving in the French corporate landscape.

Contextualization of the study

The study is based on a rigorous methodology, incorporating testimonials from over 15 companies and the positions of Orse’s managing trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC and CGT), as well as Medef. These elements provide a solid basis for analyzing trends and changes in the way companies integrate CSR criteria into their compensation policies.

The state of play: An undeniable evolution

This new edition reveals significant advances in the integration of CSR criteria within major CAC 40 companies.

  1. Widespread integration into the CAC 40

The study reveals that 100% of CAC 40 companies include CSR criteria in the short-term variable compensation of their executive directors. A significant advance since 2017, indicating a growing appropriation of this practice. This underlines the growing awareness of societal and environmental issues in companies’ strategic decisions.

  1. Expansion of CSR measures and priorities

The integration of CSR criteria is evolving in response to societal challenges. Companies are now opting for more varied schemes, focusing on environmental and social issues such as CO2 emissions and diversity. The proportion of short-term executive compensation devoted to these criteria is on the rise, ranging from 10% to 30%. This trend suggests a shift in CSR priorities, with growing recognition of the importance of both the environment and social responsibility.

  1. Communication: A step towards transparency

CAC 40 companies are communicating more on the integration of CSR criteria, demonstrating their growing maturity. However, there are still nuances, which can sometimes make understanding complex. Certain aspects, such as the indicators chosen or the achievement of objectives, vary in terms of transparency. Communication remains a challenge, with 65% of CAC 40 companies disclosing neither the indicators nor the CSR objectives incorporated into the remuneration of other populations.