Circular economy takes off in companies

The circular economy, a model aimed at maximizing the use of resources and reducing waste, is rapidly gaining importance in the business world. Here’s an overview of the main trends and future prospects in this field.

Expected developments over the next few years

Widespread adoption of circular economy principles

As more and more companies recognize the economic and environmental benefits of the circular economy, its adoption is set to accelerate over the coming years. Stricter government regulations on waste management and resource use, as well as growing consumer pressure for sustainable products and services, will prompt companies to rethink their business models and supply chains.

The emergence of new circular business models

We will see the rise of innovative business models based on the principles of the circular economy, such as the functionality economy, product leasing and product-service systems. These models will encourage product sustainability, resource sharing and reuse, rather than individual ownership and waste.

Increased collaboration between companies and stakeholders

The transition to a circular economy will require close collaboration between businesses, governments, non-governmental organizations and consumers. Companies will seek to establish collaborative partnerships and ecosystems to share resources, knowledge and best practices, in order to optimize resource use and reduce waste across the industry.