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CircularPlace at the Hacking de l’Hôtel de Ville 2022 event

CircularPlace had the pleasure of taking part in theHacking 2022 held on 21 September 2022 at Paris City Hall.

The Hacking de l’Hôtel de Ville is one of the biggest business events for innovative projects.

This day, centred on the companies that will be helping to innovate our future needs, brought together start-ups and organisations led by Paris&Co with investors and numerous partners, through pitch sessions, conferences and stands.
Our CEO Vincent RIGALhimself took part in thePitch Day and presented our CircularPlace solution to the various innovation players and investors attending the event. This special day gave us the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs, investors, major groups and institutions who we hope will become our partners in the future.
This year,Greentech was at the heart of this year’s event, responding to the profound need for transformation brought about bythe ecological and climate emergency. Supporting the creation of greentech start-ups is essential to ensure the emergence of the major players of tomorrow who will rise to the challenges of the ecological transition, and the challenges facing our society in the coming years.
Well done to the startups that took part in the pitch: WYTLAND, Barak, Sidely, Kaya, FINDS, Wequity, Rise, ArcaScience, Biomede, SILO, Piggit, FanFest. And a big thank you also to the visitors and organisersParis&Co for this superb event!
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