CircularPlace for moves You can focus on your business, we take care of the rest ! Moving, it's complex and fascinating. Entrust this job to the experts ! Book a demo Manage relocations and closures Sequence sales to give access to your priority targets. Get the best value for the property you want to release. Engage all the stakeholders in your ecosystem, such as your employees or other sites in your group. Book a demo Share your equipment in-house Give and sell your products to other sites of the group. Reduce unnecessary purchases and choose a saving feature. Buy only what you need for your group. Book a demo Sell and give Organize private sales for your employees or for your VIP guests. Sell to our network ofB2B buyers qualified. Give your equipment to associations and reduce your taxes. Book a demo You'll have thatto make your keys Manage theinventory of your products in the range with our tool, or take advantage of our delivery service. With our specialist partners, the collection of waste ofelectric and electronic equipment will be operated safely. Take advantage of our services garbage of various, emptying and cleaning of thebuilding. Book a demo Are you an association ? Sign up for free and get as much product as a gift you want ! Sign up for free Learn more