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Making the circular economy a player in decarbonisation

According to a study by theNational Institute for the Circular Economy (INEC) / Capgemini  » Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone sous contrainte de ressources « A strong circularity policy would make it possible to limit the increase in resource shortages, as part of a low-carbon transition.

Otherwise, if we do nothing, the shortage of metals and minerals could increase 16-fold by 2050!

« INEC is unveiling a study carried out with Capgemini that takes stock of the low-carbon transition and critical mineral and natural resources up to 2050. It reveals that the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC), France’s roadmap for decarbonisation, does not take sufficient account of the resource constraints weighing on its implementation, especially in the context of a linear economy system. »

To remedy this, the study proposes 5 avenues to explore:

  1. Decarbonization and resources: implementing regulations to reduce the impact of human activities through a circular economy policy.
  2. Favoring circular projects and prioritizing the electrification, biomass and construction sectors: financial efforts must be focused on those sectors that will play a leading role in decarbonization.
  3. Ecodesign must become a standard: implement the 3 levers « reduce, reuse, recycle » in a European regulation, making it an obligation.
  4. Towards a territorial organization of the economy: the transition to a circular economy implies the mobilization of all local players, from local authorities to citizens and consumers, as well as industrial and commercial sectors, in order to pool resources.
  5. Relying on innovation and digital technology: digital technologies and artificial intelligence are essential tools for linking linear universes and creating a tangible circular economy.

« Alain Chardon, Director of New Sustainable Platforms at Capgemini Invent, explains: « It became clear to us quite quickly when working on the data from this study that, in a world under resource constraints, there can be no low-carbon France without a strong circular economy strategy.

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