Strategies for the circular transition: Overview of the RGC 2024

The circular economy is a concept that seeks to revolutionize the way we produce, consume and manage resources, by adopting sustainable practices and closing the product life cycle.

However, the current problem with the circular economy lies in the disparity between the rhetoric promoting circularity and the actual measures put in place, as indicated in the Circularity Gap Report (CGR) 2024 published by the Circle Economy Foundation and Deloitte. He points out that the global circularity rate has fallen from 9.1% to 7.2% in 5 years.

Despite the many discussions, debates and publications on the subject, the consumption of large quantities of materials remains high – almost 500 billion tonnes of material, almost as much as in the whole of the 20th century. representing a major challenge for the realization of a truly circular economy.

This discrepancy reflects the gap between the theoretical understanding of the concept and its practical implementation. Despite growing awareness of the need for circularity, the actual transition to circular practices and the reduction of material consumption remain major challenges.

The report also underlines the urgent need for decisive action to make the transition to a circular economy a success, as the current trajectory risks not producing the necessary impact. This highlights the critical nature of the problem and the need for concrete action to make the transition to a circular economy a reality. These essential actions include establishing favorable government policies, tax incentives, green standards and recycling targets, accompanied by investments in research, public awareness and the promotion of collaborations between the public and private sectors. These measures are crucial to bridging the gap between the discourse on the circular economy and its practical implementation.