WE DEMAIN talks about CircularPlace and its fundraising campaign
Excellent news for the circular economy! CircularPlace has just closed a €1.4 million financing round to accelerate its development. Together […]
Excellent news for the circular economy! CircularPlace has just closed a €1.4 million financing round to accelerate its development. Together […]
Promulguée en février 2020, la loi anti-gaspillage pour une économie circulaire (AGEC) a pour ambition de transformer en profondeur les
Promulgated in February 2020, the Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy (AGEC) law aims to fundamentally transform production and consumption patterns
Das im Februar 2020 verkündete französische Gesetz gegen Verschwendung für eine Kreislaufwirtschaft (AGEC) soll die Produktions- und Konsummuster in Frankreich
Chaque année, le 5 juin, la communauté mondiale se rassemble pour célébrer la Journée mondiale de l’environnement. Elle vise à
Every year on June 5, the global community comes together to celebrate World Environment Day. It aims to raise public
Jedes Jahr am 5. Juni versammelt sich die Weltgemeinschaft, um den Weltumwelttag zu begehen. Er soll das Bewusstsein dafür schärfen,
Every year on June 5, the global community comes together to celebrate World Environment Day. This special day aims to
Écoutez notre conférence autour de l’économie circulaire, ou comment bâtir un changement de paradigme profond animé par Vincent Rigal, CEO
Listen to our conference on the circular economy, or how to build a profound paradigm shift, hosted by Vincent Rigal,