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Could the goals of the AGEC law be expanding globally?

Aperçu article 'Les Objectifs de la loi AGEC'


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At a public hearing held on February 16, the City of Montreal presented a roadmap about circular economy.
Could the goals of the AGEC law be expanding globally?
Objective : to achieve 17% circularity in Montreal’s economic system by 2030, a goal that corresponds to the global rate required to keep global warming below 2 degrees.
This roadmap includes 13 priorities and 5 value chains, while focusing on 4 points:

  • Simplify the ecological transition of companies;
  • Intervene in the sectoral value chains considered as priorities;
  • Activate the deployment of circular strategies that appear to be successful;
  • To be an exemplary city in terms of circularity and to shine.

In addition, to enrich this roadmap, the city of Montreal is asking stakeholders for their opinions and suggestions.
Being in partnership with the Circular Economy Fund, the city of Montreal encourages entrepreneurship and businesses that are in this sector that remains untested for this country.

CircularPlace has developed a marketplace allowing the resale of your non-food waste between professionals, and puts you in touch with non-profit organizations to recover your products.

You can also opt for a white label solution that will allow your company to circularize your equipment internally and to engage your employees around ecological themes.

Don’t throw away any more, opt for the second hand!

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