On May 23, the French government launched a public consultation on global warming. Faced with the environmental challenges ahead, the Ministry for Ecological Transition wants to prepare France for any eventuality.
The French Ministry of Ecological Transition wants to take action in the face of global warming in France, which could get worse. In a 30-page document published on May 23, it aims to go beyond the objectives of the Paris Agreement to adapt to a more pessimistic scenario, forecasting +4°C warming by 2100 in France.
However, the Ministry for Ecological Transition is calling on the French people to submit their opinions on the possible measures to be put in place to counter this scenario.
Share your views through a public consultation!
A public consultation is a process that allows any member of the public to give their opinion on a public issue or decision. This is a participatory approach that enables governments and administrations to take account of the opinions and concerns of citizens.
The French Ministry of Ecological Transition launched a public consultation on May 23, giving the French public the chance to answer three questions on France’s adaptation to global warming.
The questions concern the need for a baseline warming trajectory, the opinion on a baseline trajectory for adaptation in France and the tools needed to take climate change into account.
The consultation is open until mid-September, and responses can be sent to the following e-mail address: trajectoire-adaptation@ecologie.gouv.fr.
Two scenarios are envisaged:
The first scenario aims to meet the commitments of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2100. To achieve this, concrete measures must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in particular by using renewable energies and improving energy efficiency. This scenario also assumes international cooperation to achieve this objective.
The second scenario assumes that current policies continue and that global warming is stabilized at 3°C by 2100. This means that greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise at a rate similar to that of recent decades, leading to an increase in average global temperatures.
The consequences of this rise in temperature are very worrying, particularly in terms of melting ice, rising sea levels, extreme weather events and the loss of biodiversity.
The 3 questions posed by the consultation :
- Should France adopt a baseline warming trajectory?
- How should it adapt?
- How can this adaptation be financed?
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