Maximising profits through re-use

In an increasingly constrained economic climate, where pressure on natural resources and costs is rising all the time, companies are looking for new sources of revenue and savings. Reuse, which consists of recovering used goods and equipment rather than throwing them away, represents an opportunity that can be seized to maximise profits while at the same time contributing to a virtuous circular economy.

Recovering unsold and second-hand equipment

In the course of their business, companies often accumulate large stocks of unsold goods, customer returns or obsolete professional equipment. Rather than storing them indefinitely or throwing them away, which generates waste management costs, they can now recycle them by selling them on marketplaces dedicated to re-use.

These platforms enable them to sell their dormant stocks at the best price, by putting them in touch with potential buyers looking for second-hand products. It’s a win-win solution, as companies get maximum value from their unused resources, while buyers get access to quality goods at lower cost.