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Paris’ Boulevard Périphérique: a lane reserved for public transport by the end of 2024

When the Olympic Games 2024 come to an end, the city of Paris plans to keep the lane reserved for athletes during the event closed to traffic.

Restructuring of the Parisian territory

The organization of the Olympic Games raised several questions, notably that of the reorganization of the territory planned for this event. The city planned to reserve one lane of the Paris ring road for the athletes to simplify transportation. However, it would be possible for this lane to be reserved for public transport and carpooling in the future.

Pollution: reducing CO2 emissions

The main cause of pollution in Paris is due to road traffic. According to a TomTom study, road traffic produces 27,900 tonnes of CO2 on a day with free-flowing traffic, while on a day with congested traffic, the figure rises to 45,500 tonnes. The objective of the city of Paris is therefore to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging carpooling and public transport. To achieve this, the left-hand lanes of the ring road around the capital would be reserved exclusively for carpools and other means of transport.

Reduce speed

As a follow-up to this measure, Paris City Council is considering reducing the speed limit from 70 km to 50 km in lanes reserved for cabs, car-sharing and public transport. Reducing speed would reduce the risk of accidents due to speed deviations from the « right lanes ».
However, this second measure has been widely criticized, with 90% of votes cast against this authorized speed change.

Paris commits to a more sustainable city

For several years now, the city of Paris has been keen to transform the capital into a more sustainable, healthier city. Indeed, Paris is notorious for its pollution, mainly caused by road traffic. That’s why today, the city wants to offer more eco-responsible solutions and encourage its residents to change their consumption habits.

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