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Textile industry: New decree for more ethical and responsible consumption

From 1 January 2023: displaying the origin of textiles will become compulsory !

It is the decree of 29 April 2022 that requires those placing products on the market (distributors, importers, producers) to indicate the country in which the main weaving, dyeing-printing and making-up operations are carried out.
The textile industry is the third most polluting industry in the world, and practices abroad are not always ethical (forced labour of children and Uighurs, etc.). It is therefore within the framework of the AGEC law that clothing will have to include this new information.

We are talking specifically about the obligation to trace the origin of textile products sold in France.

This is revolutionary news, because French manufacturers produce mainly in France and want to emphasise ethics and environmental impact. The France Terre Textile group, based in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), has created its own « France Terre Textile » label, which is more demanding than the Made in France and Origine France Garantie labels, because unlike the latter, one or two high value-added production stages are not enough to earn it.

The aim of these new obligations is to help increase the share of French production in national textile consumption, which currently stands at 5%. And to be able to create 4,000 jobs in France! These measures are necessary: a kilo of textile produced in France and recycled emits 10 times less C02 than that produced abroad.

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