The AGEC law poses problems for the European Commission

What is the AGEC Act?

The AGEC law, an acronym for “Anti-Gaspillage pour une Économie Circulaire”, is a French law passed in 2020. Its main aim is to combat waste and promote a circular economy in France. The circular economy is an economic model aimed at reducing waste and maximizing the use of resources by promoting the reuse and repair of products.

The AGEC Act aims to transform the traditional linear economy, where products are produced, consumed and thrown away, into a circular system where waste is minimized and materials are reintroduced into the production cycle wherever possible.

To achieve this objective, the AGEC Act sets out a number of concrete measures, such as :

  • a gradual ban on single-use plastics,
  • the widespread introduction of deposits for plastic bottles and cans,
  • extending extended producer responsibility (EPR) to new products,
  • a ban on landfilling recyclable waste,
  • the Triman logo, among others.

The AGEC Act also aims to raise awareness among consumers and businesses of the importance of responsible waste management, and to encourage more sustainable production, consumption and product management practices.

By focusing on waste reduction, promoting recycling and the circular economy, the AGEC law aims to contribute to the preservation of the environment, the protection of biodiversity and a more efficient use of natural resources in France.