Podcast #WeAreCircular X Yann Lemoine

Podcast #WeAreCircular X Yann Lemoine

Season 2 Episode 13: Yann Lemoine

Hello everyone, we’re delighted to welcome you to the 13th episode of WeAreCircular ! Ce podcast est destiné à donner la parole aux acteurs engagés dans la transition de l’économie, à ceux qui mettent en avant l’économie circulaire. This podcast is designed to give a voice to those involved in the transition of the economy, to those who are promoting the circular economy.

Today, we are delighted to welcome Yann Lemoine, CEO and co-founder of Biens en Commun. After creating his first connected locker prototype in 2021, he has teamed up with Thomas Koell to launch a social economy company, with impact at the heart of their DNA.

But what exactly is Les Biens en Commun? This innovative company offers a service for sharing everyday equipment, rather than buying it. Thanks to connected lockers installed in living spaces and an app, Les Biens en Commun offer the chance to rethink our consumption patterns by opting to rent a wide range of equipment such as household appliances, leisure equipment, sports accessories, DIY or gardening tools, and much more.

Find out more about Yann Lemoine and his social and environmental initiative.

Listen to Yann Lemoine in Episode 13: Sharing rather than owning – Les Biens en Commun

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