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The environmental consequences of Black Friday


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You all know about Black Friday. But do you know its consequences?

It is an American event that has become unmissable in France and around the world thanks to its sales. Today, more than 6 out of 10 French people make their Christmas gifts during black friday.
This year, the three most affected areas are fashion (fast-fashion), technology and cosmetics.
The environmental consequences of this overconsumption and overproduction are the depletion of resources, high emissions of greenhouse gases and consequently heavy damage to biodiversity.

To give you an idea of the consequences of this event:

1) The textile and fashion industry is the second most polluting sector in the world. During Black Friday, fashion emits 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases each year. For the production of one pair of jeans, a minimum of 7500 liters of water should be used. It is also responsible for about 18% of global water pollution.
2) Technology accounts for about 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. To produce a smartphone, you have to go around the world. It is composed of more than 70 kg of raw materials. The product is designed in the United States, then the extraction and processing of raw materials is done in Southeast Asia and many other countries, the manufacturing of the main components is usually done in Asia, Europe or the United States, the assembly is done in Southeast Asia and finally the product is distributed to the customer, a transport which is usually done by plane.
3) Cosmetics have a lighter impact than fashion and technology, but still emit between 0.5 and 1.5% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Thus, CircularPlace also accompanies you in your zero carbon footprint approach with its anti-waste solution. At CircularPlace, we have developed a marketplace connecting companies with associations and recyclers in order to valorize unsold and stagnant stocks.
We also provide you with an impact calculation for each of your sales and/or purchases, to allow you to consume with the least impact on the environment.

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