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Tips for achieving carbon neutrality


Find here our articles related to CircularPlace’s activities, the circular economy and the ecological transition.

According to the 6th report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), climate change will intensify in the coming decades!
The same report notes that sea levels will continue to rise throughout the 21st century, further increasing the risk of flooding in low-lying areas.
One of their solutions to fight against these upcoming upheavals: adopt carbon neutrality (Zero emission of polluting gases).

Carbon neutrality is one of the goals drawn from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, presenting new growth opportunities for companies.

Here are some tips for achieving carbon neutrality in your organization:

  • Set up a carbon footprint to measure CO2 emissions within your business : it allows you to identify the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

CircularPlace has developed a diagnostic tool allowing you to control your carbon footprint.

  • Analyze the life cycle of your products: This allows you to go even further in calculating the carbon footprint of your product throughout its life cycle, from procurement to recycling.

To learn more about our actions in this field, we invite you to read our article on eco-design !

  • Adopt eco-citizen attitudes: And this through the implementation of eco-gestures, (for example: reduce energy consumption as much as possible, substitute the use of paper by eco-friendly digital tools)
CircularPlace accompanies you in your zero carbon approach by bringing your stagnant stocks into a more circular economy.

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