Podcast #WeAreCircular X Coline Laurent

Podcast #WeAreCircular X Coline Laurent

Season 2 Episode 11: Coline Laurent

Hello everyone, we are pleased to see you in this11thepisode of the show WeAreCircular !This podcast is intended to give voice to those involved in the transition of the economy, to those who promote the circular economy.
Today, we are delighted to welcome Coline Laurent, Founder of Collectif Encore, Freelance and responsible for deploying the ADEME “Longue Vue aux Objets” Project.
In 2022, she co-founded the collectif Encore, with the aim of restoring an emotional value to objects resulting from reuse by transmitting their history to them. Today, the collective brings together a diversity of talents putting their skills at the service of players in the circular economy.
Since 2024, Coline has become project deployment manager“Longue Vie aux Objets” de l’ADEME in french, “Long Lives of Objects” from ADEME in English,which is a unique national map listing all the players in reuse and repair. This tool facilitates the repair and sharing of objects by highlighting addresses for repairing, sharing, donating, selling or buying second hand.

In this episode, discover the world of Coline Laurent. Discover her vision of the circular economy, her journey and the projects she is involved in.
Listen to this episode to discover the inspiring journey of Coline Laurent

Listen Coline Laurent in the episode 11 : “Longue Vie aux Objets”, a project of ADEME (the french agency of climate

If you missed the previous episodes, it’s by here !

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